Victor J Ostrovsky
/ 193.24.24.* / 2009-05-15 13:58
Rada Nadzorcza tej "ARABSKIEJ" spółki składa się z:
Eli Reifman - ...Mr. Reifman was the head of the Technical
Development Department and acting head of all production in the
Training Development Center of the Israeli Defense Forces, where
he was responsible for producing high-end military simulators.
Ron Al Dor - During his service in the Israeli Air Force ... Mr.
Al Dor is a graduate of the military computer college of the
Israeli Air Force...
Guy Bernstein - ... Mr. Bernstein is a Certified Licensed
Public Accountant and holds a BA in Accounting and Economics
from Tel Aviv University....
Gad Goldstein - ...Mr. Goldstein holds a BA in economics and an
MA in business administration, both from Tel Aviv University...
Hadas Gazit Kaiser - ...Ms. Gazit Kaiser holds a BA in Economics
and Accounting and an MBA degree in Finance, both from Tel Aviv
University, and is a Certified Public Accountant in Israel...
Naamit Salomon - ... Ms. Salomon holds a BA in economics and
business administration from Ben Gurion University ...
Yacov Elinav - ... Mr. Elinav served in various positions at
Bank Hapoalim B.M., which is listed on the London and Tel Aviv
Stock Exchanges, including over 10 years as a member of the
Board of Management, responsible for subsidiary and related
companies ....
Uzi Netanel - ... From 1993 through 2001, he served as Active
Chairman of Israel Discount Capital Markets and Investments Ltd.
From 1997 to 1999, Mr. Netanel served as Chairman of Poliziv
Plastics Company (1998) Ltd. Mr. Netanel also serves on the
Board of Directors of Israel Oil Refineries, Frutarom Industries
and Caeserea-Vardinon Textiles....
Ido Schechter - ... his BS from the Hebrew University in
wyciąłem te cytaty w taki sposób aby rzucało się w oczy ,że
skład rady nadzorczej jest w całości Izraelski a nie arabski !!!
źródło - w punkcie 4 agendy są informacje o radzie
dodać nalezy , że dawne nazwisko Adama Michnika to Schechter
"Michnik wraca do nazwiska swego ojca: SZECHTER
Domaga się sprostowania informacji zawartej w przypisie do
publikacji "Marzec 1968 w dokumentach MSW", że jego ojciec
Ozjasz Szechter został aresztowany i skazany w 1934 r. za
szpiegostwo na rzecz ZSRR. "
zwróćcie uwagę kto jest w zarządzie stoczni gdańskiej