Buj and hold may be dying as a stocks strategy, but it's gaining new favor for those in the bond market.
With the United States facing an uncertain economic future and yields hovering around attractive valuation levels, some managers are beginning to advise clients to hold longer bonds and collect income rather than seeking principal return in the shorter term.
Most recently, Barclays Wealth told clients this week to change from a short-dated approach to bonds and start holding longer maturities.
The recommendation is based in part on yields that are approaching 4 percent for the benchmark 10-year note and 4.75 for the 30-year bond.
za to kochamy ekspertów
po 20 latach hossy na obligacjach polecają buj-and-hold, gdy oprocentowanie jest na absurdalnie niskim poziomie i były sygnały końca hossy.
akcje są po 10 latch bessy i po wyraźnym odbiciu od krańcowego niedowartościowania chłopaki śmieją się z trzymania akcji ...