Run na banki trwa, straty rosną
/ 87.205.255.* / 2015-04-16 13:42
Szczegółowe analizy ostatnich danych pokazują krach gospodarki Chin największy w nowoczesnej historii, a wzrost PKB wynosi nie jak oficjalnie podają 7%, co i tak jest najgorszym wynikiem od 6 lat, ale 1,6%.
Cornerstone Macro reports, "Our China Real Economic Activity Index Slowed To Just 1.6% YY In 1Q."
The indicator in question looks at many of the components shown above, such as retail sales, car sales, rail freight, industrial production, and several others, to determine an accurate indicator of the true state of China's economy.
It finds that not only is China's economic growth rate not rising at a 7.0% Y/Y rate, but is in fact the lowest it has been in modern history!