Kris K.
/ 83.26.245.* / 2006-02-24 23:16
Wiedzialem, ze niektorzy Polacy sa ignorantami, ale ze takimi kretynami , to nie. Pojecia nie masz o problemach i rozwoju miedzynarodowego transportu. W USA koleje wymarly? a AMTRAC to co?
A poza tym sa Wielkie Chiny, gdzie kursuja MAGLEV TRAINS - magnetic levitation trains with the speed of 500 km/hr, gdzie zbudowalo sie 1200km linii do Tybetu na wysokosci 5000m npm.
Yeah , yeah, is that all English you know? You silly stupid son of a bitch of a moron. You are a real shame for the nation. Piss off the pages of with all that shit of your mind. And go to a shrink - he may help you.That is a firendly advice.