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ESTAR: strona spółki
17.04.2019, 12:34

EST ZWZ - ponowne zwołanie obrad

ENEFI Energy Efficiency Plc. (registered seat: 1134 Budapest, Klapka utca 11., company
registration No.: 01-10-045428) hereby notifies the reputable shareholders of the Company that, pursuant to the ownership certificates received by the Company, the general meeting convened for 18. 04. 2019, 10:00 hours will not have the quorum. The repeated general meeting shall have a quorum in respect of the original agenda items irrespective of the number of those attending. Date and time of the repeated general meeting: 30. 04. 2019. 10:00 hours Venue of the repeated general meeting: 1134 Budapest, Klapka utca 11.


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