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SLEEPZAG: strona spółki
14.08.2018, 15:30

SLZ Information about a company announcement in the "Bundesanzeiger" [Federal Gazette of the Federal Republic of Germany](information to shareholders only)

Attached please find a company announcement which has been published in the "Bundesanzeiger" [Federal Gazette of the Federal Republic of Germany] today, 14 August 2018.
IMPORTANT NOTE Attached document is a convenience translation for shareholder's information only. Only the publication as published in the “Bundesanzeiger” (Federal Gazette of the Federal Republic of Germany) on 14 August 2018 is legally binding. Attached document is not for direct or indirect distribution, publication oder distribution in the United States of America, Australia, Canada or Japan or other jurisdications in which, or to persons in jurisdications to whom such distribution is unlawful. Please also note the important note within the document! Contact: Corinna Riewe, + 49-30-20305567,


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