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SLEEPZAG: strona spółki
20.11.2018, 15:13

SLZ podwyższenie kapitału

Berlin WKN: A2E377 / A2E4L5 ISIN: DE000A2E3772 / DE000A2E4L59 Notification in accordance with Section 49 (1) sentence 1 no. 2 of the German Securities Trading Act on the disapplication of subscription rights On the basis of partial utilisation of the authorisation in line with Article 5 (3) (“Authorised Capital 2014/”) of the Articles of Association on 16.11.2018, the Executive Board with the approval of the Supervisory Board of the same day, resolved to increase the share capital of the company against cash from the current level of € 12,443,554.00 by € 5,329,596.00 to € 17,773,150.00 by issuing 5,329,596 new bearer shares with a proportional amount of the share capital of € 1.00 per share. In case the Annual General Meeting has not decided on the appropriation of the net profit for the financial year 2017 at the time the new shares are issued, the new shares are entitled to dividends as of January 1, 2017 (inclusive); otherwise with full dividend rights from January 1, 2018 (inclusive).The subscription right of shareholders is disapplied in line with Section 203 (1) and (2) German Stock Corporation Act and Article 5 (3) a) of the Articles of Association. Berlin, November 2018 SLEEPZ AG The Executive Board

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