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KRKA: strona spółki
22.11.2018, 8:47

KRK Share buyback programme

With a reference to the share buyback programme notice from 28 July 2017 the Krka company informs the public that the Supervisory Board gave an approval for the amendment of the Rules Governing the Treasury Share Fund (hereafter the Rules) on the Supervisory Board meeting held on 21 November 2018. These amendments of the Rules were adopted by the Management Board beforehand.
Treasury shares are acquired based on the resolution of the Annual General Meeting (hereafter AGM), which includes authorisation for purchases of treasury shares in the amount of up to 10% of the company's share capital. The Rules specify the AGM resolution and set the framework for the submission of orders for purchases of treasury shares on the stock exchange. In order to facilitate the implementation of the AGM resolution regarding the share buyback programme, the quantitative daily restriction from the amended Rules is increased from 25% to 50% of the average daily trading volume on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange in the last 20 trading days. The Rules include several restrictions that prevent any market manipulation indices due to treasury shares purchases. The company will continue with its transparency and disclosure policy regarding the treasury shares purchases. The amended Rules come into force on 22 November 2018 when the company will start with treasury shares purchases after the close period, relating to the January-September 2019 report release, expires.

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