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GIGROUP: strona spółki
11.12.2018, 16:44

WSE Submission by the shareholder justification to the submitted resolution

The Management Board of Work Service S.A. (hereinafter referred to as: Issuer or Company) hereby informs that today, i.e. 11 December 2018, it received and read the e-mail received from the shareholder – Tomasz Misiak, containing an attachment with a letter with justification to the requests made by the shareholder to include on the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of Work Service S.A. appointed for the day 14 December 2018 the resolution regarding changes in the Articles of Association of the Company.. The Issuer informed about the shareholder's request in the current report No. 74/2018 dated 23 November 2018. The above-mentioned letter was submitted by the shareholder - Tomasz Misiak as a response to the Management Board's request to present a broader justification for the request to place on the agenda of the General Meeting, designated on December 14, 2018, the resolution regarding changes in the Articles of Association of the Company.
Appendix no 1 – shareholder's letter Legal basis: - § 19 section 1 point 3) of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 29 March 2018 on current and periodic information provided by issuers of securities and on conditions under which information required by legal regulations of a third country may be recognised as equivalent. Signatures: Iwona Szmitkowska – Vice-President of the Management Board Tomasz Ślęzak – Vice-President of the Management Board


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