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GIGROUP: strona spółki
15.07.2019, 18:03

WSE Change the instalment arrangement with the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS).

The Management Board of Work Service S.A. ("Issuer" or "Company") in connection to current report no 28/2019, informs that on 15 July 2019 the Issuer and the Issuer's subsidiary Industry Personnel Services Sp. z o.o. concluded annexes amending the installment arrangement of 28th February 2019 with the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) concerning outstanding social security contributions. According to these annexes, the number of installments in which the obligation is to be repaid was changed from the previous 10 installments to 14. The last installment will be repaid in April 2020 and not as originally agreed in December 2019.
As a result of the analysis carried out, the Issuer concluded that it is justified to classify the information indicated above as confidential information within the meaning of Art. 17.1 of the MAR, subject to publication in the form of this report. Legal basis: Art. 17 sec. 1 MAR (Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) NO. 596/2014 of 16 April 2014 on the Market Abuse and repealing the Directive 2003/6/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council 2003/124/EC, 2003/125/EC i 2004/72/EC). Signatures: Iwona Szmitkowska – President of the Management Board Jarosław Dymitruk - Vice-President of the Management Board

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