praca w kraju i za granica FIND WORK IN EUROPE
Welcome to is a new and unique website for career and job opportunities.
It’s a site that brings people of Europe together in a new way; Through the Internet.
For job seekers:
The site is the first career and vacancy site in Europe where you can find more than just the CV of a job seeker. Other, normal career sites offer the opportunity to place a CV as accurately and elaborately as possible.
But video images say more than words in a CV.
That’s why it is not only possible to show you CV on, but also a short video presentation in which you can present yourself.
For employers:
You also have the possibility to not only place a job vacancy, but also to present yourself to the jobseeker in the best way possible.
In a short video clip you can present your company and the product range you offer, and future employees can get an idea for which company they would like to employ them. Other job seekers and other employers will visit the site , and they might be potential customers for your company.
As employer and jobseeker, have a look at our example video clip.
This will give a clear image what you can add to a written CV or job vacancy. This can be a video made with a camcorder or one made with a video file on your mobile phone. Make sure you read the conditions the video clip needs to comply to and make a short clip about yourself or your company. It is also possible to let us produce a short company presentation for you.
The site that works.....!!