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GPW: Może być problem z kontynuacją wzrostów

GPW: Może być problem z kontynuacją wzrostów

nieuk / 2010-03-09 14:29 / Tysiącznik na forum
he... pisałem ze sie cos na jwc szykuje...

zobaczymy co sie rozwija
ale wide ze jest ssanie
Obi-Wan Kenobi / 178.36.14.* / 2010-03-09 14:16
Fed's Brian Sack: "The Fed Will Be Embarking On A Tightening Cycle Like No Other In Its History"
Obi-Wan Kenobi / 178.36.14.* / 2010-03-09 14:15
Wall Street Has Become Underwrita Non Grata In Europe.
First China comes through on its threat of disposing US securities, now Europe is rapidly isolating Wall Street from participating in European sovereign bond offerings. The Guardian reports that "for the first time in five years, no big US investment bank appears among the top nine sovereign bond bookrunners in Europe, according to Dealogic data compiled for the Guardian." Curiously, just the one bank which has recently found itself out of favor with domestic investors, Morgan Stanley, has a notable presence in Euro sovereign league tables (at number 10). The biggest loser - the dynamic duo of vampire squid and Fed Jr. " Goldman Sachs doesn't make the table. Goldman made it to number five last year and in 2006, and number eight in 2007, the data shows. JP Morgan was in the top ten last year and in 2007 and 2006 but doesn't appear this year." European leaders are funny - first they use Goldman for everything; now that they have been caught red-handed, they avoid Goldman like the plague.
Obi-Wan Kenobi / 178.36.14.* / 2010-03-09 14:18
Brian Sack, Executive Vice President and Undisputed Head of the Fed's Markets Group, Rumored Head of Mythical Plunge Protection Team.
Obi Wan-Kenobi / 178.36.14.* / 2010-03-09 14:12
UK banks may need to cut assets by USD 792bln, Pierce says
Obi-Wan Kenobi / 178.36.14.* / 2010-03-09 14:07
Is The Federal Reserve Insolvent?
Obi Wan-Kenobi / 178.36.14.* / 2010-03-09 14:09
Fed's endless meddling in the mortgage market, with the sole purpose of keeping rates artificially low, and preventing banks from being forced to take massive writedowns on their entire loan book. This is all well known. What, however, seems to have escaped public attention is what the impact of these delinquencies is on the one largest holder of Mortgage Backed Securities, the Federal Reserve. What also seems to have escaped the public is that the Fed is now the world's largest bank, with total assets near $2.3 trillion. We provide a weekly update of the Fed's balance sheet and while we briefly note the liability side, our, and everyone else's, attention, is traditionally focused on the asset side. Yet a more detailed look at the liability side reveals something very troubling, specifically that the Fed's capital, i.e. equity buffer, which as of most recently was $53.3 billion
Obi-Wan Kenobi / 178.36.14.* / 2010-03-09 14:11
is in fact negligible and could well be substantially negative, if the Fed were to account for the rapidly rising level of delinquencies in its one largest asset holdings: the $1.027 trillion in settled MBS. And while there is no possibility of a run on the Fed, the reality is that the Fed now likely runs with a negative real capital balance, meaning that the US Federal Reserve is now essentially insolvent.
Obi Wan-Kenobi / 178.36.14.* / 2010-03-09 14:03
"We're spending tens of billions of dollars on a tax credit to get people to purchase homes, we're spending federal money to keep them in their homes through the modification program, and now we're going to pay them to move out of their homes. This is not a sustainable system for the housing market. It's a shell game. Bernie Madoff could have created this system,"
Obi Wan-Kenobi / 178.36.14.* / 2010-03-09 14:10 in fact negligible and could well be substantially negative, if the Fed were to account for the rapidly rising level of delinquencies in its one largest asset holdings: the $1.027 trillion in settled MBS. And while there is no possibility of a run on the Fed, the reality is that the Fed now likely runs with a negative real capital balance, meaning that the US Federal Reserve is now essentially insolvent.
Obi-Wan Kenobi / 178.36.14.* / 2010-03-09 13:59
We've now come full circle. Instead of trying to get people to stay in their homes, Obama is willing to pay them to leave.
Obi-Wan Kenobi / 178.36.14.* / 2010-03-09 14:01
Under the new program, the servicing bank, as with all modifications, will get $1,000. Another $1,000 can go toward a second loan, if there is one. And for the first time the government would give money to the distressed homeowners themselves. They will get $1,500 in “relocation assistance.”

Short sales are “tailor-made for fraud,” said Mr. Lawler, a former executive at the mortgage finance company Fannie Mae.
Obi Wan-Kenobi / 178.36.14.* / 2010-03-09 14:02
And so it begins. Big gun lawmakers are making the move toward principal writedowns as the last resort to save the housing market.

The problem is prices. Home prices have fallen so far in the hardest hit areas, the areas where the bulk of the troubled loans are, that banks would have to write down principal 30 to 50 percent to put borrowers back in the green. Accounting rules require that banks write down the value of those loans on their books, and experts tell me that if banks really accounted for all the losses in the home loan market, they'd all be insolvent.
Obi-Wan Kenobi / 178.36.14.* / 2010-03-09 13:48
Americans are now having to save more and more of their money as is expected in a tough economy. Yet banks are back to gambling in the stock market while shutting down lending to consumers. Banks are playing the poor me card by arguing that with too much tight regulation, they can’t make loans because they are worried about future balance sheet problems. Thanks for telling us after you took the public money under false pretenses! But this is all a political ploy to steal from the working class. With so many people just unable to even service the debt and rising bankruptcies, banks are now going after good customers who pay their bills on time each month just because they are running out of “options.” Don’t be fooled. They are reaping billion dollar profits because they are using excuses to squeeze the golden goose dry. How about we allow the typical American to borrow at the subsidized low rate from the Federal Reserve directly? Why in the world do we need banks to operate as loan sharks in between? What we need is to transform the banking industry into a utility model. A model designed to serve the people, not the banks. After all, why should they get the privilege of borrowing at criminally low rates while everyone else has to pay the interest and subsidize their gambling adventure?

Even after all the correction in the market American households still carry an inordinate amount of debt:
świeżak / 83.31.103.* / 2010-03-09 13:59
przedłużyło wam się w firmie Święto Kobiet,bo całe towarzystwo w grupie-ale do domu taxi,bo jedzie od was
Obi-Wan Kenobi / 178.36.14.* / 2010-03-09 13:48
A giant portion of income simply goes to pay off debt. A large part of the debt is interest or money the banks can suck out of the neck of middle class Americans. Banks live off this margin. Take for example a $100,000 30 year fixed rate mortgage at 6 percent:

Principal: $100,000

Total Interest: $115,838

In the end, you are paying more than the initial cost and all that interest goes to who? What purpose does it serve? Banks are delusional and want the public to believe in the propaganda that they need to charge a higher rate because of “risk” in the loan. Are they kidding? We already know that they are being supported by the entire Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury. They can make the most insane kind of bets and ultimately the taxpayer will eat the bill. And keep in mind many of these banks are borrowing at low levels from the Federal Reserve. Why not allow the public to keep some of that interest? How is this bad? If banks were lending their own money it would be a different story but they are not. They are creating a dishonest narrative and most Americans are not buying it because they operate in reality and not some parallel universe where you can create something out of nothing.
glabom na pohybel / 221.130.13.* / 2010-03-09 13:46
Polski deficyt budżetowy może być o 15 mld zł mniejszy niż zakładał rząd
Według wicepremiera Pawlaka dziura w kasie państwa będzie o wiele mniejsza, niż szacowano
kilka miesięcy temu. Deficyt może być niższy nawet o 15 mld zł. Wszystko dzięki wyższemu,
niż zakładany wcześniej przez rząd, wzrostowi PKB.

Rządowe prognozy dla gospodarki są coraz lepsze

– Dzięki wyższemu wzrostowi gospodarczemu i wyższej inflacji deficyt budżetu w 2010
r. może być o 10 – 15 mld zł mniejszy od założonych w ustawie budżetowej 52,2 mld
zł – powiedział wicepremier Agencji Reutera.

Prognozy Pawlaka potwierdzają pytani przez nas politycy PO. Przyznają, że wpływy do
państwowej kasy nie będą wyglądać tak fatalnie, jak wydawało się kilka miesięcy temu. Co
się stało? – Lepsza jest sytuacja gospodarcza – mówi szef sejmowej komisji
finansów Paweł Arndt z PO.

Ekonomiści mówią wprost: resort finansów, pracując nad budżetem, założył asekurancko, że
wzrost wyniesie w tym roku 1,2 proc. Tymczasem może być trzykrotnie wyższy. –
Ożywienie w gospodarce to fakt – przyznaje Piotr Bielski, ekonomista BZ WBK.

Dzięki polepszeniu parametrów budżetu rząd dostanie dodatkowe punkty od inwestorów,
zwłaszcza zagranicznych. Ma to olbrzymie znaczenie dla oceny polskiego zadłużenia. Im
lepsze, tym mniej musimy płacić za pożyczki zaciągane przez budżet.

– Już dziś jesteśmy traktowani jako kraj z wyższej półki w grupie rynków
wschodzących – mówi Krzysztof Izdebski, analityk PKO BP
Obi-Wan Kenobi / 178.36.14.* / 2010-03-09 13:41
Dziś obawy rozszerzyły się na Hiszpanię, bezrobocie tam wynosi 19,5%,a wśród młodych aż 45%. Po ostrzeżeniu agencji Fitch.
nieuk / 2010-03-09 13:46 / Tysiącznik na forum
tam z kieszonkowego od turystow sie utrzymuja...
bez zgody tych ostatnich...)
a starzy z szarej strefy
nieuk / 2010-03-09 13:48 / Tysiącznik na forum
cos jak u nas

w ustce czy miedzyzdrojach.... lub krynicy morskiej...
najwieksze bezrobocie a
gminy najbogatsze...)
nieuk / 2010-03-09 13:38 / Tysiącznik na forum
siorbac... bo zara koniec promocji..)
Obi-Wan Kenobi / 178.36.14.* / 2010-03-09 13:35
Złoty/dolar 2,8757 (+0,0391).
Obi-Wan Kenobi / 178.36.14.* / 2010-03-09 13:33
Jen drożeje, Japończycy zabierają zyski do domu, u nich w końcu marca koniec roku finansowego. Złoty słabnie. Wzrost awersji do ryzyka.
Obi-Wan Kenobi / 178.36.14.* / 2010-03-09 13:22
Brent Crude Öl 78,81 -1,58 -1,97% 13:21:25
Icon realtime WTI Öl 80,28 -1,52 -1,86% 13:21:26
Icon realtime Kupfer 7.411,00 -112,00 -1,49% 13:21:18
kogo glabie ??? / 221.130.13.* / 2010-03-09 13:26
A kogo to durniu obchodzi???
Obi-Wan Kenobi / 178.36.14.* / 2010-03-09 13:37
Głąbowatych durniów na pewno nie obchodzi, więc po co się wkręcasz?.
realist / 212.2.116.* / 2010-03-09 14:41
Popieram Ken, najciekawsze komentarze na forum, codziennie z checią czytam - lepsze niz te głupoty analityków - typu "wzrosło a więc spadło, krzywa sie przecięła ze siwecą w punkcie wsparcia podwojnego dna"

p.s. sam nie moge uwiezyc jak to sie wszystko kreci i czemu nie d***elo jeszcze z hukiem - za 1000 lat beda o tym cudzie mowic w animal planet.
--- / 188.147.228.* / 2010-03-09 13:05
jaki zasięg korekty???????
nieuk / 2010-03-09 13:10 / Tysiącznik na forum
wedlug mnie to jedno lub 2 dniowe zejscie
nieuk / 2010-03-09 13:13 / Tysiącznik na forum
przed duzym odpałem

.............................. / 83.24.227.* / 2010-03-09 14:49
Wpisy na forum dyskusyjnym stanowią wyraz osobistych opinii i poglądów ich autorów i nie powinien być traktowany jako rekomendacja kupna bądź sprzedaży papierów wartościowych. nie ponosi za nie odpowiedzialności.

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