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Inwestorzy z GPW patrzą na Amerykę

Inwestorzy z GPW patrzą na Amerykę / 2009-08-10 07:28
Komentarze do wiadomości: Inwestorzy z GPW patrzą na Amerykę.
nieuk / 2009-08-10 09:06 / Tysiącznik na forum
bph 3x 15% zaliczy znowu ???
Ostatnie chwile przed / 85.222.86.* / 2009-08-10 09:03
Euro/dolar juz
4.0712 zł
Don Ke nobi / 83.5.221.* / 2009-08-10 09:01
Sporzenie na rynek pracy w Stanach, nieco mniej różowe.
July usually sees a regular pattern of planned automobile production line shutdowns to accommodate retooling for the new model year, but recent disruptions to the auto industry have changed pattern this year. Without the usual pattern of shutdowns, the government’s computers nonetheless responded by creating the usual offsetting boost in jobs, not only in the auto industry, but in supporting industries as well. The auto industry itself was alone among durable goods manufacturing industries in showing a reported, seasonally-adjusted monthly gain in July, up by 28,000 jobs. [Would anybody who recently got a job at Chrysler and GM please write us immediately]
While Wall Street likely will hype the July employment results as confirmation that economy has turned the corner, such hype and resulting overly optimistic expectations should be slammed in the months ahead, when the positive reporting distortions reverse out in a normal catch-up process.
The unadjusted annual declines in the June and July payrolls remain the deepest since a similar decline at the trough of the 1958 recession, but still shy of the 4.9% trough seen in the 1949 downturn. When the 1949 annual low growth is broken, most likely next month, the annual percentage contraction in payrolls will be the most severe since the production shutdown following World War II.
- Birth-Death/Bias Factor Adjustment. As discussed in SGS Newsletter No. 51, Birth-Death Model biases tend to overstate payroll employment during recessions. Never designed to handle the downside pressures from an economic contraction, the model adds a fairly consistent upside bias to the payroll levels each year, currently averaging about 76,000 jobs per month. The unadjusted July 2009 bias was 32,000, up from 25,000 the year before, but down from 185,000 in June.
Don Ke nobi / 83.5.221.* / 2009-08-10 08:58
Zaskakująco w piątek okazało się,ze w Stanach do połowy października rząd wyczerpie limit deficytu i zmuszony jest zwrócić się do Kongresu o kolejne pieniądze.
U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner formally requested that Congress raise the $12.1 trillion statutory debt limit on Friday, saying that it could be breached as early as mid-October.

"It is critically important that Congress act before the limit is reached so that citizens and investors here and around the world can remain confident that the United States will always meet its obligations," Geithner said in a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid that was obtained by Reuters.
prostak68 / 2009-08-10 09:04 / Bywalec forum
dziisiaj /stonka/ idzie na zakupy a ja razem z nimi ! zobacz co szykuja w usa FNM i FRE .kicha beda sprzedawac dlugi hipoteczne w pakietach czyli cale miasta
prostak68 / 2009-08-10 09:05 / Bywalec forum
ken ! kup male miasteczko w california :)))))
Niknejm / 2009-08-10 09:10 / Zatwardziały hobbysta giełdowy
Na razie Ken buduje bunkier pod Górami Skalistymi.
Nadciga apokalipsa. ;-)
Don Ke nobi / 83.5.221.* / 2009-08-10 09:01
We have flown up our own collective numeric bung-hole.

The number problems we face are now hopeless. America will never be able to cover its current outstanding debt. We're effectively finished at all three levels: household, corporate, and government. Who, for instance, can really comprehend what to do about the number problems infesting Fannie Mae and the mortgages associated with her? There's really only one way out of this predicament: to get ready for a much lower standard of living and much different daily living arrangements. We can't wrap our minds around this, so the exercise du jour is to play games with numbers to persuade ourselves that we don't have to face reality. We're entertaining ourselves with shell games, musical chairs, Chinese fire drills, Ponzi schemes, and Polish blanket tricks (where, to make your blanket longer, you cut twelve inches off the top and sew it onto the bottom).

Now that Newsweek Magazine -- along with the mendacious cretins at CNBC -- have declared the "recession" officially over, it's a sure thing that we are entering the zone of greatest danger. Some foul odor rides the late summer wind, as of a rough beast slouching toward the US Treasury. The stock markets have gathered in the critical mass of suckers needed to flush all remaining hope out of the system. The foreign holders of US promissory notes are sharpening their long knives in the humid darkness. The suburban householders are watching sharks swim in their driveways. The REIT executives are getting ready to gargle with Gillette blue blades. The Goldman Sachs bonus babies are trying to imagine the good life in Paraguay or the archepelego of Tristan da Cunha.
nieuk / 2009-08-10 08:51 / Tysiącznik na forum
siorbac dewelopy..

bo maja wieksza sprzedaz r/r...!!!!!!!!!!!

a na jesien poniczne zakupy sie zaczna...!!!!

i nowe projekty z kopyta rusza...!!!
anna. / 2009-08-10 08:57 / Uznany Gracz Giełdowy
JWC zasiorbałam a dziś czekam na wyicie żurawi

jestem na urlpie , więc odpuszczam kontrakty , ale L dzis bym nie brała
Niknejm / 2009-08-10 09:14 / Zatwardziały hobbysta giełdowy

L dzis bym nie brała

Tak nakazuje ostrożność po ostatnich wzrostach.
Ale kto wie? Patrząc na Azje, mamy szanse na niewielkie +. Ew. minimalnie pod kreską.
Ważne dane z USA dopiero w czwartek i piątek.
Don Ke nobi / 83.5.221.* / 2009-08-10 08:51
Fortescue Metals Group -5,7% w Australii.
Don Ke nobi / 83.5.221.* / 2009-08-10 08:46
Rio Tinto w Australii -3,3%.
Don Ke nobi / 83.5.221.* / 2009-08-10 08:40
Rośnie dług Stanów.
The Fed published its latest Flow of Funds report today. One key takeaway: While total debt is growing more slowly, it is still growing. Since Q3 '08 households have cut their debt (slightly), but the federal government is borrowing so rapidly, overall debt continues to expand.

By the way, the Fed only includes publicly held debt when calculating total federal government borrowings, $6.7 trillion at the end of Q1. This excludes over $4 trillion owed to the Social Security "trust fund." More importantly, it excludes $60 trillion of unfunded future liabilities for Medicare and Social Security.

The second chart puts the data into perspective. As a percentage of GDP, debt continues to expand, from 368% at the end of Q4 to 375% at the end of Q1.
Don Ke nobi / 83.5.221.* / 2009-08-10 08:42
Krach nadchodzi...
It’s been said that the income statement is the past, but the balance sheet is the future. Our balance sheet is getting worse. Those who see "green shoots" believe the crisis is abating. But they don’t understand its origin: a credit bubble that, in the aggregate, continues to inflate. The equity value of our economy is going down—think the stock market and housing equity (see below). At the same time our debt is going up. In other words, America’s leverage continues to expand.
The only way to climb out of a debt-deflationary depression is to pay down debt or to write it off. Levering up only delays the inevitable. Unfortunately Americans, and lately the Obama administration, have shown absolutely no political will to do this. Republicans decry growing deficits, but do you ever hear them enumerate cuts they would make or taxes they would raise? Clearly our plan is to keep borrowing until our lenders cut us off.

Speaking of crashing equity…
prostak68 / 2009-08-10 08:44 / Bywalec forum
czesc ken! we wrzesniu opec ogranicza wydobycie ropa na 85$
Don Ke nobi / 83.5.221.* / 2009-08-10 08:49
Oni produkują coraz więcej, bo wiedzą, że nie ma popytu i przekraczają limity, kiedy widzą idiotów pompujących im ceny....
prostak68 / 2009-08-10 08:55 / Bywalec forum
balon jest pusty ,trzeba napompowac.
Don Ke nobi / 83.5.221.* / 2009-08-10 08:36
Szanghaj -1,80%. Coraz niżej, kolejna sesja z kolei. Pokazuje kierunek dla emerging markets.
Niknejm / 2009-08-10 09:11 / Zatwardziały hobbysta giełdowy
A poza tym, praktycznie cała Azja na zielono.
Nie wstyd Ci?
Don Ke nobi / 83.5.221.* / 2009-08-10 08:35
Ropa WTI 70,36 $ (-0,80%). Coraz niżej.
Don Ke nobi / 83.5.221.* / 2009-08-10 08:31
Warren Buffett zmniejsza swoje wydatki na akcje do najniższego poziomu od 5 lat. Zwiększa inwestycje w obligacje.
ken.idiota / 78.105.144.* / 2009-08-10 08:52
niedawno pisales ze Warren B. wtopil i ze ludzie przesadzaja robiac z niego wielkiego inwestora a teraz sie nim wzorujesz
boa / 77.253.56.* / 2009-08-10 08:50
Nie ma czym się przejmować.
Pamiętam jak niedawno namawiał na kupno akcji.
... a potem jeszcze leciało w dół i leciało.
Niknejm niezalogowany / 192.229.17.* / 2009-08-10 08:53
...i tłukł się potem w piersi.
Don Ke nobi / 83.5.221.* / 2009-08-10 08:30
DAX fut. -0,40%.
Don Ke nobi / 83.5.221.* / 2009-08-10 08:27
Maguire Properties Warns of Loan Defaults

Maguire Properties Inc., one of the largest office-building owners in Southern California, is planning to hand over control of seven buildings with some $1.06 billion in debt to creditors ...

Maguire ... notified the buildings' mortgage holders Friday that it expected "imminent default" on the loans.

All of these buildings have negative cash flow with rising vacancies and falling rents. This is more losses for the lenders (or CMBS investors for six of these buildings).

The seven buildings, with 4.2 million square feet, make up about 20% of Maguire's portfolio. ... The company still has $3.5 billion in debt, and some analysts say that amount exceeds the value of its remaining properties. "Almost every building in [Maguire's] portfolio is under water," says Michael Knott, an analyst with Green Street Advisors.
Don Ke nobi / 83.5.221.* / 2009-08-10 08:21
Szanghaj -1,66%.
jojojoj / 79.186.41.* / 2009-08-10 08:14
az cie zal czyatac co nalykalo sie ss zobaczysz wig na wig 20 na 4 tys jescze w tym roku i w dupe se wsadzisz to twojeprgnozy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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